Donate to the Charitable Trust


The William Tyndale Charitable Trust (charity registration number 1060061) was established in 1996 to help raise funds for vital school improvements.

Over the past decade, the Trust has helped finance a number of major capital improvements to the school and its premises, including renovation of the Kids’ Club, the purchase of a new performance stage, contributions to the Curriculum kitchen and much more. 

In 2010, the Trust fundraised over £220,000 to build our fantastic sports pitch, winning a substantial bid from the Football Foundation.  In 2011, Trust contributions from the Big Lottery and generous parents have significantly topped up school funds, allowing William Tyndale to completely make over our tired school playground, creating new places to play, a climbing fort, slides, a wildlife garden, a growing garden and much more. In 2018, our parents raised over £29,000 for the refurbishment and extension of our Morris Building through two fund raising initiatives: an auction of promises and a sponsored Wheelie.   

Historically, funds from central and local government to improve buildings and grounds have been limited.  Private charitable institutions that fund schools often restrict use of their funds to running costs of educational programmes.  That is why the Trust’s work is so vital to our school.

The Trust is run by a small group of volunteers made up of parents, staff, governors and friends of the school.  Its income derives largely from donations by parents, grandparents, and alumni who wish to make regular, tax efficient contributions to the school.  If you would like to contribute to the William Tyndale Charitable Trust, you can join others who already donate on a weekly, monthly or annual basis by filling out a direct debit donation form below.  A one-off donation is also very gratefully received.

Just 1 pound a week can make a difference.

If half the parents in the school made a regular weekly £1 contribution, the Trust would have an annual income of over £10,000.  

If you would like make a one off donation, or to donate on a more regular basis, please click on the link below.

If you would like further information, pop into the School Office or email Claire on

A big THANK YOU to all those who have given money to the Trust!


Donate to the Charitable Trust